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An Introduction to Captavi

The Meaning of Captavi

One of the first things we are asked about is meaning behind the word "Captavi". By the way, you pronounce it "cap-ta-ve".  Well, it is an old Latin verb in first person which, in general terms, means "I Hunted and Captured". It was often used in times of battle and written on the walls of cities. We thought that was appropriate when we envisioned helping marketing teams do just that - finding leads and helping the sales team close deals. 

Our Purpose

We have never had a mission or vision statement. We have more of a purpose and that is to help make it easier for marketers and their internal and external clients to increase response rates, build web traffic, and most importantly generate more qualified sales leads.

The Technology

We strive to deliver modern software that is fun and easy-to-use. To that point, you don't have to be certified to use the Captavi Platform or feel like you have to have a Masters in Digital Marketing. Instead, you should be able to use our easy-to-love platform on a daily basis.


More About Captavi

To learn more about us, from other sources - check out the following links:

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